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Newtek Ripped Off Civic Satisfaction Home Contribute email Walt phone Walt 303-423-2399

Newtek Ripped Off Civic Satisfaction

Newtek Merchant Services, our online donation vender stole our money and refused to give it back. Actually it was only $200, but it was all we had. They did point out that in their Guide - many pages of fine print in legalese –on the next to last page, in extra fine print, in gray, surrounded by really obtuse legalese – they did say they could change all the rules at any time. I thought I’d read that pretty carefully, but they slid that right by me - exactly what I was scanning for. They also said they would notify us of any changes – which they didn’t.

Main point is that we are back to using my personal account

- Walt Geisel, PO Box 9656, Denver 80209 –

for any Civic Satisfaction donations. Here I was hoping separate accounts would simplify the books.

I picked Newtek because they offered a percentage only service for our donations and tied to our Credit Union. Then they started charging a FEE, and the fee kept changing. We hadn’t been taking in much, yes, but they violated the main reason I picked them. Guess I should have cut them off before they got it all, but I thought we were reaching an agreement. In 20-20 hindsight, should have cut them off and then talked.

Our Credit Union, Denver Community, showed great patience through all this. But we ended up shutting the account. Their legal eagle said that we could go after Newtek, probably wouldn’t win, and even if we did, it would cost a lot more than the $200.

They say confession is good for the soul, but obviously I’m still pissed. With all this we’re behind on nonprofit paperwork with the Secretary of State and IRS, not that we owe any. Slowly but surely. Or maybe I should get my clumsy hands out of this.

    Big Bank wanna be
        Breaching belief abysmally
        But no by-your leave or by the way
    Hubris bachelor
        Bankrupting beggars too bantam to bicker
    Blackest Bandit Baron beginner
        Bludgeoning believers
        But for bitsy booty
    Big Bank wanna be
        Bye Bye

Hey, if anybody wants to help – let us know.

Newtek Ripped Off Civic Satisfaction Home Contribute email Walt phone Walt 303-423-2399

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